
Concealed Carry Permit Reciprocity Maps

The USACarry Map is currently being redesign.  You can see it by clicking here.

USA Carry is an amazing Gun Rights Organization that is passionate about your rights.  They are a great resource for tools and information!  The following map can also be found on their website.  It is created and up kept by their organization so you can check on states that reciprocate licenses and permits.

Further explanation from website.  If for some reason this link isn’t working, please visit:

Some states have concealed carry reciprocity with other states states.

Example of Concealed Carry Reciprocity Between Two States: State A accepts State B’s concealed carry permit holders to carry in State A and State B accepts State A’s concealed carry permit holders to carry in State B.

There are also some cases where State A will accept State C’s concealed carry permit holders but State C WILL NOT accept State A’s concealed carry permit holders. This is NOT reciprocity.

The Concealed Carry Reciprocity Maps above will show you:

Map 1 – States That Honor My Permit(s):
The first screen on this map shows whether a state is Shall Issue, May Issue, or Right Denied.

Shall Issue: States that are Shall Issue will issue any private citizen a concealed weapons permit as long as they meet all requirements.

May Issue: States that are May Issue have the authority to take judgment on whether or not they want to issue a concealed weapons permit to a private citizen even after they have met all requirements.

Right Denied: States that are Right Denied DO NOT allows private citizens to carry handguns and do not issue concealed weapon permits.

To view which states accept your concealed weapons permit, just click on the state your permit is issued in. If you have multiple permits, start with your Resident Permit (The permit issued in the state you live in).

You may be asked if your concealed weapons permit is a Resident or Non-Resident permit. Some states issue permits to Residents of their state as well as Non-Residents. On the other hand, some state’s ONLY issue to Residents of their state. And to take it one step further, some states only allow permits issued to Residents of the states they have reciprocity with. This is what the yellow state color means on the map.

If you need to reset the map and start over just click on the Clear Map button.

Map 2 – Permits Honored by State
This map is a quick way to find out what state concealed carry permits a particular state allows. Just click on a state and any states that are blue are allowed within the selected state, red are not allowed, and yellow means only residents of that state that have permits are allowed.

PLEASE READ: If you are using Pop-Up Blocking software, you must add as a Trusted Site for the Export JPG and/or Export PDF feature to work. This process takes a screenshot of wherever you are within the map and will take up to 1 to 5 minutes so please be patient.